Machine and Individual (1) The case of « soft skills »
The rise of AI is increasingly reducing the “residue” of human skills. Will “soft skills” always be one of them?
Artificial Intelligence technologies and neurosciences.
The rise of AI is increasingly reducing the “residue” of human skills. Will “soft skills” always be one of them?
According to some researchers, the largest chatbots somehow “understand” the texts they handle. What exactly does this mean?
About the open letter signed by Elon Musk calling for a 6-month moratorium on the development of generative AIs (GPT etc.) …
Neuromimetic AIs can now write, draw, compose music… Far from being “conscious”, what do they tell us about being human?
Hubert L. Dreyfus was the first to criticize cognitivist and computationalist AI by invoking phenomenology, from Husserl to Heidegger.
Can and should autonomous “intelligent” artifacts be held responsible for their decisions? Should a new legal subject be created?
The technological regime produces this “computationalist” doxa which considers the brain as a Center for information processing. Really?
How close can one become to a digitized artefact? Not to the point, we think, of ever being able to fall “in love” with it.
Mathematical activity is an excellent illustration of the coupling of the body and language games, i.e. their reciprocal modifications when they “dialogue”.
Is art, “hacked” by artificial intelligence, just a new product of design? Or could “AI-art” one day come across insolence and spirituality?