Technology between sideration et radicalization
Investor Marc Andreessen has just published his “Techno-Optimist Manifesto” which, like Technology itself, does not fail to stagger us.
Ethics, morality, values…
Investor Marc Andreessen has just published his “Techno-Optimist Manifesto” which, like Technology itself, does not fail to stagger us.
About the open letter signed by Elon Musk calling for a 6-month moratorium on the development of generative AIs (GPT etc.) …
The Oulipo invented the “constraint” to create new literary forms. Can such a method be applied to Digital “forms” and how?
Neuromimetic AIs can now write, draw, compose music… Far from being “conscious”, what do they tell us about being human?
Here comes the “Metaverse”, the occasion for a posthumous intellectual contact with the French philosopher Bernard Stiegler.
Blockchain technology promises the disappearance of “cumbersome” trusted third parties. But we don’t get rid of them at little political cost.
Addictions, fake news, breaches of privacy … Can the “ethical” offer of digital professionals remedy these drifts?
The technological regime produces this “computationalist” doxa which considers the brain as a Center for information processing. Really?
Gilbert Simondon, reread 40 years later by digital thinkers, is praised as the “first philosopher of information”. What to think of this “sacrament”?
Alexa, Siri, Uber, Tinder, TripAdvisor, Waze… The multiplication of “Moral Machines”, as the sociologist Dominique Cardon used to say, has only just begun!